Contact Us

HQ Address
12 Science Park Drive
Singapore 118225

Fax (65) 6775 9011
Email [email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Student & University Outreach
[email protected]

Media Contact
Mr Kenny Wong
Director, Corporate Communications

Tel (65) 6450 4108
Email [email protected]


DSO does not tolerate any malpractice, impropriety, statutory non-compliance or any wrongdoing involving our employees and business associates. Dedicated channels of communications are made available for one to report, in good faith and without fear of retaliation, any unethical, fraudulent or corrupt practices by DSO's employees for appropriate investigation and action, subject to applicable laws.


Hotline: 6705 7196 (Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm)
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 6594 7985
Post: RSM SG Risk Advisory Pte Ltd, 8 Wilkie Road #03-08 Wilkie Edge Singapore 228095


Please attention your submission to Tan Boon Yen.


DSO Whistleblowing Guidelines


DSO employees are to refer to the internal whistleblowing policy for more information.


DSO Complex

12 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118225

20 Science Park

20 Science Park Drive, Singapore 118230

Marina Hill

11 Stockport Road, Singapore 117605


5 Sports Drive, Singapore 117292

Kent Ridge

27 Medical Drive, Singapore 117510