The Robotics Division focuses on the research and development of advanced robotic systems and technologies across the air, land, and maritime domains. These include aerodynamics, autonomy, platform control, guidance, and navigation technologies.
USV Autonomy
The existing Unmanned Surface Vessel (USV) system deployed by the Navy is remote-controlled, which requires active monitoring and control by the operator to avoid obstacles. To allow our USV systems to operate autonomously, the team designed and developed a Close-In Station Keeping (CISK), and Collision Detection and Collision Avoidance (CDCA) engine. The CISK allows the USV to follow a target vessel closely for monitoring, while the CDCA ensures that our USV carefully avoids collision with any vessel in the busy Singapore Strait.
This capability reduces the monitoring and control required by the operator, which in turn, increases the operating range of the USV system to be used in the Navy's mission such as Mine-Countermeasure and Force Protection.
▶ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
The V15 is Singapore’s first locally developed Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) UAV. Its main features include a modular design for portability and quick set up, requiring just two men to assemble it in less than 10 minutes. It also requires minimum operational space for landing and taking off, unlike conventional UAVs. The V15 is also able to operate autonomously with other unmanned systems, such as flying in sync and even taking off and landing on a UGV in a mission.
▶ Unmanned Ground Vehicle
Military UGVs are required to be more robust than commercial driverless vehicles, in particular, their navigation and obstacle avoidance capabilities. DSO’s UGV is able to navigate robustly in urban and off-road terrain, and can even do so without the need for GPS or pre-generated 3D maps. The autonomy will enable UGVs to perform missions with SAF soldiers as Soldier-Robot Teams.
▶ Counter-Unmanned Aerial System
DSO’s C-UAS is an effective solution designed to detect and neutralise errant drones flying into protected areas. The C-UAS is fully automated with smart sensors for drones detection and effectors that include jammers and drone catcher for recovery of errant drone.