Defence Medical & Environmental
Research Institute
The Defence Medical & Environmental Research Institute (DMERI) builds up technological capabilities for the protection against chemical and biological warfare agents. It also conducts research and development into combat care, human effectiveness, bio-technology and bio-engineering to enhance the safety, survivability and performance of our national forces in hostile battlefield environments.

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) Defence
DMERI houses Singapore’s only internationally-accredited laboratories for the unequivocal verification of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear (CBRN) agents. We handle all high-risk chemical agents and toxins, highly pathogenic biological agents, and radioactive and nuclear materials in our high-containment facilities. Our team of experienced scientists develop technologies and solutions for the SAF and other homeland agencies to protect Singapore from CBRN threats.

▶ Contributions to Enhance National Security
DMERI proactively supports national agencies in defending Singapore against CBRN threats, especially during national emergencies such as the SARS crisis and swine H1N1 epidemic. We are the nation’s single-portal verification authority with demonstrated capabilities in the handling and analysis of authentic CBRN samples. Our commitment is to be the leading technological institute in advancing our nation’s capabilities to assess, detect, protect against, and counteract CBRN threats.

▶ Combat Protection and Performance
DMERI’s team of experts in the Combat Protection and Performance Programme (CPP) apply principles from the human science disciplines to enhance the operational performance of our defence and national security agencies. CPP is focused on examining cognitive, behavioural and physiological responses and performance in different environments and under various stressors. Our work includes deriving social and behavioural insights from sensors and digital data, developing solutions to help soldiers mitigate the heat effects in our tropical environment, and designing systems to detect and counter fatigue in extended operations.